Do This In Remembrance of Me
Shelby Azbell Shelby Azbell

Do This In Remembrance of Me

The Passover that Jesus ate is much more than an old testament ritual from Exodus. The Passover and seven days of Unleavened Bread that follows is a memorial of God's mighty hand in the past, a remembrance of what Jesus taught and did for us during His time on earth, and a reminder of what is still to come! Participating in God's feast days is participating in this hopeful expectation.

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Passover & Unleavened Bread
Shelby Azbell Shelby Azbell

Passover & Unleavened Bread

From the very beginning, Yah had a plan for redemption. He who knows the end from the beginning ordained and decreed the order in which humanity would be saved and given everlasting life. The Son, the Lamb who was predestined to be High Priest, would be the way in which Israel would find mercy. He who knows the end from the beginning appointed significant moments throughout history to express the Gospel of His Kingdom. He shared these appointed times with His chosen people and called them festivals of joy!

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The Trivial Trinity
Shelby Azbell Shelby Azbell

The Trivial Trinity

The Trinity never made sense to me, no matter which way it was explained or presented, it never seemed right. For the longest time my prayer life was affected by this confusion, I didn’t know who to pray to so I would break my prayer down into three parts to talk to the three persons. In hind-sight that sounds ridiculous but when you’re in a church that pushes the idea of the Holy Spirit being a person and God Almighty’s name being Jesus, there's a mental and spiritual game being played in a person. My husband and I would spend hours deliberating and searching the bible for confirmation of the trinity but could never fully come to terms with it. We knew something wasn’t right but at the time didn’t know there was an option to not believe it and since it was made out to be a salvation issue, we just assumed we were dumb and went along with it.

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Galatians Apologetics, pt. 2
Shelby Azbell Shelby Azbell

Galatians Apologetics, pt. 2

The letter to the Galatians is a back and forth effort to distinguish between Judaism's version of the law mixed with traditions, and belief for salvation which leads to lawful living. It is very important to remember that this is the context and reason why Paul needs to hammer in what redemption through Messiah means. The rabbinic Jewish tradition that was being brought in had no power to redeem a life, nor was it spiritual to overcome sin.

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New Covenant Promises
Shelby Azbell Shelby Azbell

New Covenant Promises

All will receive the promise at the same time- the resurrection. All will enter the Kingdom, the true promised land, at the same time. Every Old Testament reference of Yahuah promising to bring back Israel to the land of their Fathers, is this New Covenant promise. The promise given to Abraham that he will father many nations who will inhabit the land between the Nile and the Euphrates, is this New Covenant promise. Every mention of dwelling with His people, even the Tabernacle itself, points to the New Covenant promise when His heavenly tabernacle will literally be in our midst forever.

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Galatians Apologetics pt.1
Shelby Azbell Shelby Azbell

Galatians Apologetics pt.1

The context of this letter is that Paul is needing to correct the bad, false doctrine of Salvation by works. He is rebuking the JEWISH tradition that was brought in, the same thing Jesus was rebuking throughout His ministry. Largely, mainstream Christianity fails to distinguish between Jewish oral law and God's law- it was the major issue 2,000 years ago and it's still a major issue today.

True faith leads to obedience which means repenting from sin. Paul clarifies this point in Gal. 2:17 "if while seeking to be declared right by Christ, we are found continuing in sin, is Christ a servant of sin? Let it not be!" Paul gives a reminder that this favor does not mean we continue in sin (transgressing the law) but that we aren't relying on it to seal our salvation as Judaizers were preaching.

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The Gift of Tongues
Shelby Azbell Shelby Azbell

The Gift of Tongues

Each gift of the Holy Spirit points to a purpose of the Kingdom. It is given for people to see, hear, and witness the same message Messiah preached. The portion that we have now is just that, a portion. We are given a first installment/ pledge/ downpayment, of the fullness of the Spirit that we will receive at the resurrection. Until that day, we wait eagerly and submit to being taught by the Spirit of truth and understanding.

A tongue is simply a praise to God, in a language that you're not familiar with. It is a mysterious word uttered by the Spirit that edifies an individual to surrender to the will of God and not rely solely on your own ability to pray or worship. In Acts 2 it specifically says that the crowd heard the great deeds of God in their own language. The disciples were praising and prophesying, and there was an interpretation/understanding by hearers. It IS a move of prophecy, not mindless babbling, that requires faith.

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The State of Israel
Shelby Azbell Shelby Azbell

The State of Israel

The Jewish people that are currently in the land of Israel were planted there by the Rothschilds under a political agenda called Zionism. While there are a small amount of Messiah believing Jews and Christians in the land, the vast majority practice different versions of Talmudic law and deny the Messiah. The Talmud is a collection of writings brought from the Babylonian Exile in 597 BC.

They are not God's people, they are no different than unbelievers. Bloodline descendants or not, it doesn't matter. There is now NO JEW or gentile, we are one in Christ Jesus. (Gal. 3:28) If you are not in Christ Jesus, you are not in covenant as the chosen people. Living in the land of Israel does not make you anymore of God's people than the people living anywhere else in the world.

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Silently Revived
Shelby Azbell Shelby Azbell

Silently Revived

There is a calling out that has been happing for a few years now. I know that it's hard to understand, it's not like the Brownsville revival nor does it look like the Asbury revival, there's no media coverage or church recognition, but I can assure you, it's revival! It has been simple- finding new life in the old paths, where the good way is. It's not a new faith, religion, or denomination. People from every walk of life, every denomination have come to walk the Highway of Holiness. Now, let me pause to clarify something- holiness does not mean 'holier than thou' nor does it mean legalism. If you call yourself by the name of God you are called to be holy, period. Holy simply means set-apart from the world; set-apart for God. That's it. So when I say people are seeking holiness, I mean they are literally desiring to come away from the world- which includes religious systems and traditions- to come into a deeper dedication to God.

This silent revival is one that has taken place in the secret place, in the hearts of His children.

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Bride of Messiah: The Inheritance of Israel
Shelby Azbell Shelby Azbell

Bride of Messiah: The Inheritance of Israel

Yeshua’s promised reign of Zion is likened to a marriage. His bride is His city of rulership. As a wife is the glory and esteem of her husband, to be led by him- so also is Zion the glory and esteem of Yeshua's kingship. The word ‘bride’ in Hebrew is gyné which has a root verb of ginomai meaning- to become, to come into existence, to arise, to appear in history. Zion coming down as the bride of Messiah is her appearance in history; her coming into existence as the Kingdom of His reign; her becoming the inheritance of the righteous.

We are the adornment of the city. (Isaiah 55:5, 60:21). The righteous deeds of the saints are fine linen clothing her. The children of Israel are stones and jewels adorning her walls and gates. The bride is prepared when the set-apart ones are taken to her, to fill her. The bride of Messiah is the city, the inheritance of the saints.

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Shavuot Covenant Renewal
Shelby Azbell Shelby Azbell

Shavuot Covenant Renewal

Not much is widely known about this feast beyond the law given on Mt. Siani and the day of Pentecost when the Spirit was poured out. However, there is actually quite a bit of rich history to this feast as well as future prophetic significance. We are going to study how this feast relates to the covenants, the Holy Spirit, and the New Jerusalem.

Abraham kept the feast when Yah covenanted with him to multiply his seed and give his descendants the land. Isaac, Jacob, and Israel kept the feast until they forgot in Egypt. Yah brought the feast back to Israel on Mt. Siani, and gave them instructions on how to keep the festival yearly in the land of promise. In the book of Acts, the covenant promises were renewed once again by pouring out the Holy Spirit for gathered followers to proclaim the gospel. This all leads up to the day believers are gathered at the resurrection, brought to the land of Zion, and have the law completely written on our hearts.

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A Salvation Issue
Shelby Azbell Shelby Azbell

A Salvation Issue

My take on why this is a salvation issue is specifically for the generation that has to endure the tribulation. No, you do not have to understand every detail or line of scripture regarding Messiah’s second coming, but if you are a part of the tribulation generation and hold to this rapture theology, you’re going to be easily deceived.

I wholeheartedly believe these will be the ones who fall away. They will 1) assume the antichrist is the real Messiah because they were taught they’d only see the true one, or 2) lose hope and faith not understanding why they were Left Behind. Yes, that is a movie reference because it seems as if the church bases their doctrine on a 2008 Kirk Cameron movie. It’s a romantic notion to be taken away, it feels good and hopeful! But, it's a false hope. I have actually heard my old Baptist church preacher use this movie as an illustration for a sermon!

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I Believed What I Was Taught
Shelby Azbell Shelby Azbell

I Believed What I Was Taught

Being completely green in the bible, I didn’t know where to even begin testing any topic, much less look into anything as massive as the topic of the end times, so I settled with what the man behind the podium said to be truth. For a time, I found this answer acceptable even though I had no idea how to make sense of it. As time went on, and my study of the bible continued, this rapture theory began to make less and less sense. I didn’t see it, anywhere! Somehow, the preacher was reading words and then giving them an entirely new definition. So, I decided to settle on, “I don’t know what to believe.” Can you relate?

As time went on, hearing sermons and reading the bible in front of me, I still struggled to see the connection. Believing I was just too ignorant to understand, I remained neutral with my end times beliefs. It wasn't until I opened my heart for the Father to teach me His word- the whole word- that things began to make sense. He allowed me to see what I was reading and have faith that it means what it says.

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The New Covenant?
Shelby Azbell Shelby Azbell

The New Covenant?

A major qualification for abiding in the New Covenant is that the day of vengeance must come first. He is going to avenge all of the wrong, wiping out wickedness and lawlessness. He will redeem the dead in the faith and bring about the ransom for their lives. The first resurrection. He is going to set everything right for His Holy Mountain to come down. THEN, the ransomed will come to Zion and partake in the covenant of everlasting joy and peace and healing.

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Bible Feasts & Prophecy
Shelby Azbell Shelby Azbell

Bible Feasts & Prophecy

The seven feasts of the bible overlap and work together to paint the entire gospel story. The feasts are a giant object lesson for all of God’s children. They help us understand Him more and grasp a greater appreciation for His Salvation- Yeshua. While we can’t keep them perfectly according to the commands (there is no temple or Levitical priesthood to make the sacrifices) we can do our best to observe them as a memorial and as a sign of our hearts to follow Him.

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Food Law or Tradition
Shelby Azbell Shelby Azbell

Food Law or Tradition

The good ole church BBQ. Is it biblically okay? Is it a tradition of man? We're going to take a look at the top scriptures used to defend the pork butt so that you can prayerfully find the answers to those questions.

My family has been eating biblically clean for two years this month. It wasn't a natural change to make as we were raising pigs for meat at the time, but it was an easy decision. God had been working on our hearts for a few months prior, giving my husband and I understanding of His word in contrast to the doctrines we'd always been taught. I now look at these scriptures I'm about to present and wonder how in the world we ever believed they meant something different.

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Hang On for The Blessing
Shelby Azbell Shelby Azbell

Hang On for The Blessing

When we are called out by God, however it may come, we wrestle with a lifetime of emotions, certain mindsets, sin issues…we wrestle with Him about it and have to decide at that point am I going to hang on until He blesses me, until He molds me, or am I going to let go and just ride it out easy-peasy. The blessing comes by hanging on!!

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